Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Should an Procrastinating Writer do?

procrastination_strategies Every other Tuesday I am up at 5 AM working like a mad woman on a newsletter I write for my MOPS group.

It is fairly easy. Front page: Letter from the Coordinator, info about the next meeting and a picture. 2nd page: Whatever I can come up with, sometimes I write something and sometimes I find articles from others that I request to use. 3rd page: Info on what is going on at our church for women and children. 4th page: birthdays and anniversaries, birth announcements and pictures.

I don’t know why I always end up stressing to get it done, but for some reason I keep putting it off until the day it is due and I have done it this way for two years now.

I am a procrastinator, but I want to change that.

The past couple of weeks I have tried to schedule myself using my Google calendar. I have every single little task scheduled, but I keep finding things that needs tweaking or done at a different time. So far I have tried to do blogging, Bible study (every other week) and the newsletter (the opposite weeks of the Bible study) every morning from 5AM – 7AM, there just isn’t enough days in the week for it though. How am I supposed to do all this writing every week.

Is there anyone out there with any tips for me?

I am considering having a babysitter come once a week to babysit my toddler for me while I spend the day writing. It’s just that I don’t make any money on me writing and now I will have to spend money on a babysitter. I just don’t know what to do and I really want to do it all. 

Linking up to Amy’s Anti-Procrastinating Party at New Nostalgia.

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