What is important is to integrate physical activity to your daily routine, tweaking eating habits, and apply key tactics that the authors teach you throughout the book.
There is absolutely no talk about being on a diet. A no no word for me as I always start cheating on my diets after only a few hours. And as it speak about physical activity, it is not about loosing weight, but about using it as a means to more energy to heighten your performance both in your work life and your personal life.
There is according to them four different types of energy levels.
The "Low Negative Energy" where you feel exhaustion, burned out, sadness, hopelessness, moodiness, irritability, and impatience, usually comes from stress and overwhelming challenges that comes in your way.
The "Low Positive Energy" which is a strategic disengagement where you seek rest and recovery, it is a critical need for sufficient time to renew yourself and enabling your embracing the next challenge that comes your way. It is about feeling carefree, peaceful, relieved, mellow, relaxed and unfocused.
The "High Negative Energy" is positive when there is a physical emergency and your goal is to survive, but long term this is counterproductive as the emotions it carries with it in terms of frustration, anger, anxiety, tenseness, and fear might interfere with how you think and react to things.
The "High Positive Energy" is full of feelings of hopefulness, passion, focus, challenge, connection, alertness, enthusiasm, and optimism that makes you embrace challenges, respond in high quality ways, and always with full engagement and in full performance.
I can definitely say that I am mostly full of High Negative Energy and Low Negative Energy. I need to change this because I can tell that my family is having a hard time with it too.
Are you in for this? Think back to your past few weeks... Have you taken time for some intentional Low positive energy? Are you in constant combat mode of High negative energy?
Please join me in the quest for more energy in our life. If you would like to join I would appreciate it if you would sport my little button too. Please let me know if it doesn't work though. I don't know if it works yet as it is the first time I have ever made one. Any tips are gratefully appreciated.