Who am I?
Hi, I'm Marianne and I am a stay at home mom.
Hi, I'm Marianne and I am a teacher, I just don't work as one right now.
Hi, I'm Marianne and I am Jesses wife.
Hi, I'm Marianne and I am...
Get it?
When you become a stay at home mom it can sometimes be difficult to know who you are anymore.
Our identities is usually connected with our profession, our hobbies, accomplishments, what others needs us to be and our experiences.
As a stay at home mom I found it difficult answering the question of "What do you do?" when meeting someone new at a party. What do I do?
I think the best answers I have found is "I'm a need meeter" and "I'm in human resources management."
A few weeks ago I ordered some new business cards for myself and on them it says
Marianne ...
Mom of Isabel and Sofie ....
Maker of baby sleeping bags and other crafts made by sewing, knitting, or crocheting.
Is that who I am?
I don't know really who I am yet, but it is one of my newest projects to try to find out who I am now and maybe even find out who I want to be.
No matter what, I do know that I am unique; I am an imperfect, fallible human being in process; and I am loved because God loves us unconditionally.
Do you know who you are?
The idea to this post came from reading the first chapter of "What Every Mom Needs", by Elisa Morgan and Carol Kuykendall.
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