Wednesday, August 3, 2011

From fjord to table: Mackerel


One of my favorite dishes is a good salad and fried mackerel. The good thing is that it is very easy to get the mackerel although not so easy always to get the salad.

The other day we were sitting around the table trying to figure out what we wanted for dinner when we saw out of the window that the fjord were boiling. You can see the fish with your bare eye when it comes in to feed and the fjord was full of them.

We ran down to the boat and got in. Isabel threw out her line and almost instantly had 5 mackerels on the line.

We went home and my dad prepared the fish ready for frying while I made a salad and my my boiled some potatoes. (I will have to try to remember my camera next time to take pictures of this).

Then I rolled the fish in flour mixed with some seasoning and fried them in margarine. In less than an hour the dinner was on the table fresh from the fjord.

It just can’t get any better than this.


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