Thursday, February 24, 2011

Finding time for Exercise

Energized life button One of the things I really struggle with is time management. I have found that keeping a somewhat detailed schedule on my Google calendar keeps me on track most of the time. Still I struggle with finding time for Exercise.

I have specific days I do specific things. I get up two hours before my kids to be able to write on my blog, a newsletter and do my Bible study. But at the moment the only exercise I have scheduled is riding my bike to and from church every Tuesday for MOPS and Bible study.

My biggest and worst excuse is that my husbands schedule changes so much. Honestly for someone who doesn’t mind running or riding her bike in snow or rain, I really shouldn’t have an excuse not to go out doing it.

Even if I didn’t go out to run or ride my bike, I could always just turn on my Wii and do any one of my three exercise games or just put on a exercise video.

It is time to get started scheduling more exercise on my calendar. Today is the day I go through my calendar for the next week and month and I will schedule more Exercise on it.

I will start by scheduling more bike rides and days of strength exercising at home. I will try to move my grocery shopping day to a different day and thereby find more time for biking. I will only use the car when I really have to.

Now to get ready for a snow day.

What will you do to schedule more exercise into your daily schedule? What do you do to exercise?

1 comment:

Lora Maria said...

oh exercise! when you figure it in, LET ME KNOW!!! I figure for now I run my mouth enough... ;)

So glad to inspire a little mantle work in your schedule today.
I can't wait to see how it turns out!

Just say YES! :)