Monday, July 5, 2010

Grateful Monday

holy experience

Yes I know I have renamed the Multitude Monday, Grateful Monday. It is just to make myself aware of what I am trying to do. I am trying to get more aware of the small things in life that I am grateful for.

And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this.

Ester 4:14

This is my favorite lesson from the Bible. It is so fitting to my life right now and it is also so fitting for how the Multitude Monday fits into my life right now.

My daughter has now been sick with ear infection for four weeks and is at the hospital every day right now for intravenus antibiotics of which she might have to be on for the next two weeks. Lets just say I am terribly tired and overwhelmed, feeling bad because I don't have time for my oldest daughter and our dog. I had promised Isabel that we would go camping with our church and friends for a whole week and now I have to cancel it because of the really annoying antibiotic resistent bacterias residing in Sofies ears.

It is good to count the things I am grateful for these days and this week I am grateful for

11. An amazing healthcare for my daughter.

12. The warm weather.

13. Sofie laughing and smiling a lot again.

14. Isabel sharing her toys with Sofie.

15. My little minivan that is so comfortable to drive.

16. Isabel coming up to me giving me a big hug and telling me she loves me.

17. My washer and drier that makes doing laundry such an easy and fast task.

18. My husband doing the dishes and putting the dishes away afterwards.

19. Quiet nights and Ben & Jerry Icecream.

20. Cable and two TV's.

Go visit Ann Voskamp at Holy Experience and join Multitude Monday you too.

1 comment:

Marie @ Chocolate-Covered Chaos said...

This is such a nice weekly post to participate in! I'm so sorry you won't be able to take the kids camping as you planned. Life sometimes twists our plans in knots. You're truly counting your blessings, though. And that's wonderful.

I was in a Bible study by Beth Moore on changing.

Praying your daughter feels better soon!