Saturday, March 19, 2011

Our week in Pictures


Sofie has finally got into the age of not liking to get her hands dirty. Here seen cleaning her hands at the breakfast table.


My kids who normally don’t like American Pancakes devours them when I put food coloring in them. This was my experiment on St. Patrick’s day. So far we have done green and blue.


These are the best friends in the whole world. Sofie loves to feed Laika and Laika loves to knock Sofie over.


Due to my back and neck injuries I have a hard time lifting my kids in and out of grocery carts. Here Isabel is trying to teach Sofie how to hitch a ride with the cart without getting hurt. Sofie wasn’t too sure she liked it.


Since Isabel had Friday off from school, we decided to go to the mall to run some errands. When they behave I treat them with a visit to the Disney store to say hi to all the characters. I never rarely buy them anything there.


I just got Sofie some finger paint and this morning she got to try it for the first time. The first thing she did was taste it and decide she didn’t like it. Then after I showed her how to use it, she loved it.


This is how I find them most of the time, either in a heap on the floor or just sitting/hanging like this. I really wish I wasn’t so allergic to that dog.

I really need to try to capture more pictures of Isabel. Otherwise people might start to suspect I only have one child :)

1 comment:

Jenner said...

Laika is a pretty dog! I love the photos, your family is so cute.